The Best Health and Fitness Articles of the Week #135 – Tinted Glasses to Treat Autism and ADD, How to Get Better Sleep, and Paleo Vegetarian Recipes


Irlen Institute – Treating The Brain’s Inability To Process Visual Information

I’ve been watching Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Life course from creativeLive over the weekend (it was airing for free), and people had questions about his tinted glasses. Dave’s glasses are designed specially for his body. He was tested by the Irlen Institute to determine which wavelengths of light are offensive to his brain function and which lens tint removes those wavelengths. This allows his brain to think more clearly and reduce the wasted brainpower he would need to process those offensive wavelengths. These types of lenses can also help people with autism, dyslexia, ADHD, headaches and head injuries. I wonder what color of lenses would work best for me.

Phenibut, Addictive Sleep Aid With Unhealthy Hangover? Dosages, Effects, Side Effects and Safety Concerns

I quickly mentioned Phenibut in one of my updates a few weeks ago, in which the author of the article I linked to, said to use it as a sleep aid twice per week at 600mg each night. I’ve done a lot of research of my own, mostly about the safety of the drug and 600mg seems reasonable enough. I actually bought some to try, but I’ve been a little hesitant to try it based on the potential dangers. I’m very interested in experiencing the benefits of Phenibut though, so I’ll get to it eventually.

Everything You Need to Know About Sleep

Most of us understand the benefits of sleep, but you might not know all of the reasons why poor sleep is so bad for you. If more people did, everyone would try harder to get more and higher quality sleep. This post goes through some neat methods of getting better sleep (red lighbulbs, blackout curtains, reading fiction, changing your mattress), how to get more sleep (turning off electronics, shifting schedule by 15 minutes at a time) and how to wake up better (skip snoozing, use a sleep cycle app, use a dawn-simulator alarm clock). There’s much more covered in the post than what I’ve mentioned here. Great post!

World War D: All Natural Deodorants Battle it Out

I’ve tried so many different natural and organic deodorants trying to find one that works for me and I’ve not had any luck at all. They either don’t work and I get really stinky, or they cause a rash, so I always end up back with Degree, which I absolutely hate because of the terrible company they are and the toxic ingredients they use. Natural deodorants are expensive and when trying to find one that works it can be really costly, but I think continuing the search is worth it in the long run. I’ll have to give some of the products in this post a try, but I’m expecting to add a few of them to my already large collection of slightly used deodorants under the counter.

10 Minutes of Exercise Yields Hour-Long Effects

I feel like I’ve mentioned this post in my weekly updates before, but I can’t seem to find it. I know for a fact that I’ve mentioned this same exercise protocol, although Dr. Mercola calls it “Peak 8.” This is a great post about HIIT training that can be done in about 20 minutes a day and only twice per week. I’ve done it a couple times and it absolutely kicked my ass, but I just love lifting weights so I can’t stick with it.

Paleo Vegetarians – Recipes & Resources

I would really like to start cleaning up my diet a little more, mostly be reducing the amount of the grains that I consume. I know some health circles believe that even just a little grain can create inflammation for up to 6 months or more, but I’m just not ready to remove it entirely yet, so I need to start slowly. I think vegan paleo recipes might be a good place to start.

How to Freeze Kale

I actually have some kale in my garden that needs to be packed up before it dies from the cold. I don’t know if I have enough to warrant blanching and freezing, but maybe. Next year I plan to grow much more kale than this year thought, so this tip will be very handy next winter.

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