The Best Fitness Articles of the Week #76 – Smoothie Perfection, Homemade Sandbags and a Vegan Pepperoni Recipe

Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

5 Easy Ways to Get Even More from Your Smoothie

I’ve been working on perfecting how I do smoothies so I’ve already incorporated most of these tips into my regular smoothie making routine. I love the tip on using veggie scraps in the smoothie. I usually toss mine in the compost bin. The gross-looking smoothie in the picture at the top of this post is my first smoothie using scraps. Most of it’s regular stuff like spinach, celery, lemon and peaches, but I also threw in some kale stems.

Vegans Will Destroy the Planet: Why an Animal-friendly Lifestyle Will be the Death of us all…Maybe

This is a funny article mocking the claims made by omnivores to vegans on why veganism is a bad thing for the environment. It’s funny because it’s true.

The New Pill That Lets You Eat Gluten Without Problems…Or Does It?

I’ve been hearing about the drug Glutenease recently too, and I had the same thought about it as the author of this post does. The pill doesn’t really prevent the damage that gluten causes, it just covers up the symtoms.

Does Your Pre-Workout Supplement Suck?

The title of this article is misleading, but the content here is good. This is basically a huge list of supplements and explanations of how they work.

Injury Nutrition and Supplementation: How to Get Back in the Game Sooner

If you spend any amount of time exercising or lifting weights, eventually you’re probably going to suffer an injury. When that time comes, refer to this article to get speed up recovery and get back to it quicker.

How to Build a Mobile Gym in 30 Minutes

Working out with sandbags sounds awesome! I would love to put a couple of these together to take to the park to do an outdoor routine with some friends. It’ll only cost about $50 to build one bag, but you might already have a few of these items at home, dropping the cost considerably.

The Scientific Power of Naps – YouTube

Everytime I see something about day napping, I try to think of ways that I can sneak in naps at work, but I never actually try it. There’s just no good place to nap and my truck is way to hot during the summer. Here’s the video

Invisible Bike Helmet Keeps Riders Safe, Looking Cool [VIDEO]

I love this idea because I know several people who won’t wear a helmet because they think they won’t look cool. Such a stupid reason! I’m not really sure this helmet looks much cooler though, lol, and it’s definitely not affordable. Maybe in the future they’ll come up with something cheaper.

Lapka — Personal Environment Monitor

Lapka is a monitoring kit with four sensors that connect to your iPhone; each sensor testing something different. There is a sensor to test radiation, one to test if your food is actually organic, one for testing electromagnetic fields and one sensor to test humidity to help you adjust your climate for optimal comfort. It’s currently in the production stage and will cost only $220. I think that’s a hell of a deal for everything this thing does.

Compact hydroponic unit can grow 10,000 vegetables a year

I like this idea, but I wonder what the nutritional value of the plants are since they aren’t grown in natural soil. It costs about $4,500 US per year in electricity to run and a one time purchase of the unit at about $70,000 for the base model or $108,000 for the upgraded model. It’s not something the average person will buy, but it sounds like a great idea for restaurants.

I Hate Grocery Shopping; This Is How I Fixed It

I don’t really mind grocery shopping but I know there are plenty of people who hate it, so this article is for them. There are also some cool tips mixed in. For example, you should always choose the line with the least amount of people in it, no matter how many items they have because it’s the checkout process that takes the most amount of time, not the scanning.

Avoid Rookie Cooking Mistakes: Use The Right Pots and Pans for the Job

I admit that I use the wrong pots and pans to cook everything. I’m just not very picky and I want to minimize dishes. Good tips here though. I’ll try to clean up my act in the kitchen a little bit from now on.

Vegan Pepperoni

I don’t eat meat and I’m not a fan of the highly-processed vegan pepperoni, so this sounds like a neat idea. I’ll give this one a try the next time I make a pizza.

A Surgical Oncologist Speaks Out on the Perils of Alternative Cancer Therapies

Great interview and a very interesting back and forth in the comments section.

Do Power Bracelets Work

I’ve tried a power bracelet before and felt absolutely no change at all in my performance, but if you believe, maybe it’ll work for you. Check out this in-depth article on various types of bracelets from Ben Greenfield. He believes in the one that he wears. A couple of quantum physics experts in the comments don’t though.

Strategies to enhance performance

What I like best about Ben Greenfield is that he’s always testing new things. The things I think are most interesting are the PEMF unit, echinacea tincture, superslow training and chinese adaptogenic herbs.

Conscious Box

These sound fun! For $20 a month, Conscious Box will send you a small package full of new and interesting eco-friendly products. The link I’ve posted is directly for their vegan version.

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