The Best Fitness Articles of the Week #66 – Subway’s Vegan Subs Reviewed, Deadlift Corrections and High-ORAC Foods

Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

How Subway’s 3 New Vegan Subs Stack Up

If you haven’t heard, Subway is starting to add vegan options to their menu. There are only 8 locations (D.C. Maryland, and Virginia) that have them right now, but if they do well, they’ll likely be added to Subway menus everywhere. If you want to know how the three new options taste, read this review.

Pasta Made from Green Banana Flour a Tasty Alternative for Gluten-Free Diets

Cool, I want to taste banana-flour pasta 😀 It’s great that there might soon be another ingredient option for people suffering from celiac disease, and if it tastes better than wheat like what the study suggests, maybe it’ll become much more widespread in the coming years.

9 Deadlift Corrections to a Safer and Stronger Lift

This post starts off with the perfect example of a guy doing a deadlift the wrong way, who then proceeds to pass out face-first into a dumbbell rack, and then the article goes right into video tips on using right form. Some of these tips seem pretty obvious to me, but who knows, maybe some beginners actually do make these mistakes sometimes. The comment about using a hook grip to lift heavier is interesting too. I’ve never tried the hook grip with a deadlift. I’ve always used mixed grip.

Why You Are Suffering from a Modafinil Deficiency The Bulletproof Executive

If you’re looking for mind clarity and the ability to be more awake and productive, consider looking into Modafinil (Provigil). I’ve never used it, but it sounds amazing. I would never use it daily, like the author, Dave Asprey, does though.

Aniracetam at Upgraded Self

Here’s another drug recommended by Dave Asprey. This one can be purchased without a prescription. Aniracetam sharpens memory and learning and optimizes the use of oxygen in the brain. I think I’ll be trying this one soon.

High-ORAC Foods May Slow Aging

I follow @CarissaAnneB on Twitter and she posted that she was eating a high-ORAC snack for breakfast (bell peppers), which is a term I’ve never heard before. According to the UDSA, high-ORAC foods (short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) are fruits and vegetables that score high in antioxidant analysis and may prevent aging by protecting cells from oxidative damage. Another great reason to eat more fruits and veggies! There’s a handy table at the end of the article with a list of high-ORAC foods as well.

How to Eat a Mango Without Getting the Juice all over – YouTube

I love mangos but I hate peeling them. The next time I go to the grocery store, I’m gonna look for the avocado peeler that John uses in this video.

MRSA Natural Remedies

MRSA is a serious form of a “staph” infection, which can be contracted just like any other staph infection. If you have an open wound anywhere on your body, don’t go to the gym! That really sucks for Ben Greenfield.

“Obamacare” explained very well. via

If you don’t know much about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), otherwise known as “Obamacare,” this is a must-read. It’s pretty much everything you need to know, written for the layperson.

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