Tracking My Progress in Dropping Fat and Building Muscle

Back in January I entered a contest called the Transformation Challenge. There’s really no chance of me winning because I don’t want to make as drastic changes to my body like many of the other contestants, but I entered because it would help me to hold myself accountable.

With everyone being able to see my progress, I have to see progress every week so it makes me try that much harder. I’ve been seeing great progress so far too.

My original goal is to drop to 16% body fat. I’m around 17-18% right now, so I’m not too far away. Then I hope to get to 9%.

Anyway, I’ve been making weekly progress updates on a “Bodyblog” I set up on the website and thought it could be useful to some of you. You should sign up too and start tracking your progress.

You might find my latest post interesting. It’s titled “Fell Off The Wagon But Still Seeing Progress.” Add me as a friend if you sign up for an account. 😀

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