The Best Health and Fitness Articles of the Week #108 – Why Vegetable Oils Suck, New Uses for Creatine and Why You Should Reduce Fiber Intake


Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. I might as well have called this the Ben Greenfield edition because I’ve linked to several of his articles this week. He just consistently puts out awesome content.

Why Vegetable and Nut Oils Suck

According to this article, it sounds like the only good plant-based oils worth consuming are MCT oil and coconut oil. He also mentions one of the benefits of coconut butter, which is that it contains stearic acid, which helps prevent cells from collapsing.

Ben Greenfield’s Macronutrient Green Smoothie

Ben Greenfield posted this awesome green smoothie recipe on his Facebook page. I’ve already made this a couple times. I should warn you, it’s a very “green” smoothie that some people might not have the taste buds for yet. I’ve been making green juices and green smoothies for two years now, so it’s not a big deal to me. I’m all about it for the health benefits.

New Uses For Creatine

According to the latest research, there are many reasons to use creatine daily, outside of its typical use as a bodybuilding supplement. I wonder if daily use would result in it becoming less Effective for bodybuilding.

Turmeric equals exercise in its ability to prevent aging

Studies show that consuming turmeric can be just as good as working out in terms of preventing aging. And if you do both, you’ll get even better results! Ahh, the miracles of plants.

How Much Fiber To Eat

Konstantin Monastyrsky seems to be quite the expert in fiber, although there are some skeptics online, which you can find by searching his name in Google. If what Konstantin is saying is true, we definitely shouldn’t be consuming foods that are intentionally fortified with bran and fiber. He also recommends peeling all fruits and vegetables before eating them, not only because of fiber but because the skins are what protect foods from bugs and the environment and we shouldn’t put that into our bodies. This is one of the most interesting podcasts I’ve heard in a while. Konstantin also answers everyone’s questions in the comment section too, where you can get all sorts of great additional info.


Has Tony Horton been replaced? Now way! It’s too hard to match the awesomeness and funniness of Tony Horton.

What Are The Best Biohacks?

The tips here kinda suck, not because they aren’t good but because they aren’t anything special. But I’m linking to this post anyway because these are people in the bio hacking community worth following.

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